There’s an old saying that if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. And what I love is moving my body in some way, in some form, every day.


 My passion for fitness started at a young age, whether it was on the netball court, in the pool at swimming club, or running. I loved pushing my body, finding my limits and getting my sweat on.

It wasn’t until I had two knee operations due to netball injuries in my teens and started working with a personal trainer myself that the possibility of doing what I love as a career opened up to me.

I always had high expectations of myself in terms of fitness and being active whenever I could, but I know for many people working out, training or even going for a walk is not that easy. As I got older, I developed a passion for training and helping others to become the best version of themselves.

As a personal trainer, I feel privileged to work with amazing clients who are at different stages of their fitness journey and help them set and realise their goals. For me, working out and staying active is about more than just physical health and appearance – it has the power to positively influence your mindset and your overall wellbeing.

It’s what I love to do and I’d love to share that passion with you.


I am a qualified personal trainer with:

·        Certificate III and IV in Fitness

·        AWPT Certificate (Applied Women’s Physiology and Training)

·        AWPT Educator

·        First Aid and CPR Certificate

·        Working with Children Check